Monday, October 5, 2009

Have You Ever Thought About This?

When I started out in this business back in 1979 I could make the same money as I could right now and it would last longer because things were less expensive.Then things got more expensive and I started to look for additional sources of income because I was making about the same amount of gratuities.

Afterwards I got married and needed my wife's income to keep up with the rising cost of living so that we could support our family. Back when I got started most were and could afford to be a stay at home Mom with Dad being the sole provider.

Now think about this when you started out as a server or bartender. Are you making on a good night what you used to make on a regular night when you first got started? Factor in inflation and unless you are working day and night 6 days a week your buying power probably is a lot less than it used to be.

Now think about 20 years further down the road. It probably will not be worth working as a waiter anymore than part time to go along with another full time job. Christmas rush gets later every year. Most people are broke. The Martini lunches went the way of the dinosaur cause of company cutbacks and stiffening drinking and driving laws that have been introduced the last few years has cut business.

I am glad I got into waiting tables and bartending when I did cause things are changing rapidly in this business and what I learned and experienced early on doesn't count for a whole lot now.

Ponder this , as I walked out Saturday I earned $218 in gratuities and a fellow co-worker who is 23 years old and just there a month told me he had his best night ever making $240. I congratulated and was genuinely happy for him.

But tell me what career can you work 29 years longer than someone else and make less than that person on any given night? I know it is the nature of the beast but if you really think about it know , right?


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