Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Why Is More Important Than The How

On my days off like today I like to think about why I go to work. Serving people for gratuities is how I choose to earn income but the most important thing is knowing why.

Because if you have no why the work becomes unrewarding and abysmal. Someone once said you can do and put up with anything if you have a strong enough reason to do so. There is always some crap that you have to put up with wherever you are but it has to be compensated for a stronger reason to work there.

I suppose as a waiter I just have to look at my two kids to have a strong enough why. I think as parents we have more plans for our kids than we do for ourselves. For purchases a new washer and dryer is on the list in the near future. Beyond that there is Christmas , birthdays , holidays etc. There is enough reasons to work.

What is your reason or reasons for going to work in your profession? Other than hopefully enjoying your work what is your why for doing it? What purpose will you use your money for?

I'd be interested to know...


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