Tuesday, November 3, 2009

You Sir Are a Wimp!

You know there is one thing that I do not like and that is when there is a guy and a girl sitting at a table and the guy is listening to the girl letting her tell him what he should eat. She begins by asking him do you want this or this or would you like that or maybe you don't like that , oh you like this though and it goes on and on and on...

All he says is yeah sure do you want that too? I don't care I will take that or this it doesn't matter I am fine with that.

So tonight that happens and the guy says he wants a steak pointing at the steak that comes with a salad. I say to him do you want the salad and he says no I don't want a salad and so I order him the same steak that doesn't come with the salad. The girl ask are you sure you do not want a salad and he says no I don't want a salad.

They get their meal and the girl calls me over and ask does it come with a salad and I say but he didn't want a salad and she says to him do you want a salad and he says well and I say but I asked you if you wanted a salad and he says I know but the girl says yeah but you want a salad and he says okay I will have the salad.

I say no worries I will get you a salad asshole.

Buddy become a man one day , remove the soother , and start zipping up your pants in the front instead of the back you big wuss!! Begin in life by ordering the food you want and not what your girl thinks you should eat. It is your appetite.

By the way she paid.. No surprise there.


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