Wednesday, November 4, 2009

The Thursday Quiz

Welcome back! The weeks are rolling by aren't they with November and then December and 2010 coming up. Okay let's not get ahead of ourselves.

1. The french word quasi began to appear in culinary vocabulary as far back as the 18th century. This cut of meat is lean and slightly tough so it is better to lard it before cooking it. Roasting it is the preferred version. Can you tell me from what part of the calf this cut is taken from?

2. A rolimop is a cold hors d'oeuvre served with parsley and onion rings and quite common in northern European countries such as Germany and Denmark. Marinated in spiced vinegar , a rolimop is a boned fillet of what fish?

3. Poulpe in French is what in English?

4. What is Sicily's grape variety of which it is known most for?

5. The Clare and Eden Valley in Australia are known for growing this classical grape variety the most? Which one is it?

Answers later.


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