Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Where Do I Go From Here?

It has occurred to me from time to time that as a waiter when you get older in this business there are fewer and fewer places to choose from to work.

Not that I am unhappy where I am , in fact the opposite is true , I am very happy. But with the fine dining business slowly dying at least in this neck of the woods and the growth of theme restaurants with glitzy waitresses and young single hearty men working the floor there appears to be very little choice if I ever had to move on.

But having been a waiter for quite a while now with apparently no other real skills developed over the last 30 years to fall back on , what else different would I do where I could make the same money?

So what would you do if you were me and had to do something else at the age of 50? What do you suggest are fields in which I could try with very little experience that would be easy to catch on quickly with a course or two?

All suggestions will be welcome.


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