Monday, September 14, 2009


Last week I took my son to his piano lesson only to find out that his teacher that he started with only a couple of months ago is leaving and another teacher is taking her place.

This will be his 4th teacher in two years. Although I am not against a teacher change once in a while this came as a bit of a shock given it was a one week notice. So one day last week my wife is talking to the kindergarten teacher about this and she referred us to another person who teaches piano.

She is a retired school teacher who teaches Royal Conservatory Music and is in charge of the young boy's theatre choir at the Orangeville Theatre. We looked her up and talked to her about what was happening and so we left it with her to check her busy schedule.

Another thing that was annoying , was where he is taking the lessons the 30 minute rate is going from $20 to $25 for a teacher who couldn't be more than 22 years old.

Well this referral got back to us and beginning in mid October my son will start forty minute lessons at $25 with someone who has tons of experience. He is going to get a lot out of it and it will be all about classical music which is way cool. Four teachers in two years and a rate increase of 25% is a bit much to pay for a young teacher. The same rate 10 minutes longer with someone with loads of experience is much better.

This together with his audition for a play with the same theatre coming up in less than two weeks , what better thing than to have someone teaching him piano who is directly involved with it all.

All this brings me to this final point. If you want to be really good in something you need to associate with that someone who can inspire and show you how they did exactly what you want to do.

Tell me , early on or right now does anyone out there have a mentor in their life that helped them get to where they are , or helping them get to where they want to be?

If not , it wouldn't be a bad idea.


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