Friday, September 18, 2009

Just Five Tables

Tonight I was revved up to go. It's Friday night and it is rock time! I am in at 5:15 and I get this section in the corner.

Then I waited and waited to be sat. Then I got a 3 top that sat there for 2 hours and a deuce right after the 3 that sat for ages. So the other two fours are put together to make a 9 top. Finally they sit down. I get a 4 and a 2 after that and that was it. Five tables!

I sold a meagre $722 serving 20 people. The good thing was the 9 top tipped me $50 and the last four top tipped me just over $40. So after tip out $26 I walked out with $99.

Had a 60th anniversary tonight that was pretty interesting but that was about it.

Considering how slow it was I consider that to be very lucky but on a Friday night , c'mon! Tonight was a walk in the park.

So Saturday I am pre closer but at least Saturday should be busy. I should make some good coin I figure. Then Sunday I am the opener so I start work at 1:45 but that should be good because what I am planning on doing is moving down once I am there to close. That is right just open and close. A ten hour day. That should make us some extra money. I am off Monday and Tuesday anyway to recuperate.

As a side note the school did not get enough students for the bartending course this semester so I will not be teaching this Fall. We will try again for January.

I am not that disappointed as that will just free up an already busy Monday night with the boy's swimming lessons and my oldest son's drama acting class later that same evening.

Despite what appears to be a slow week so far it hasn't been a bad month. An extra shift or two could turn this into a grand month.

We will see.......Tomorrow should get some better numbers anyway.


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