Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In the Past Nine Months We Have Been Busy

We bought a stove cause the one we had broke down.
We bought a fridge cause the one we had broke down.
We bought a 2009 van and traded in our small car for it.
We changed banks and refinanced our mortage saving some money and paying off the new van.
We went for a week away at a resort in the summer.
We sent the kids to Science Camp and Play Camp for a week.
We have started the boys in swimming lessons.
We had the boys playing soccer this year with the little one going all the way to the championship.
We went to see Bryan Adams in concert.
We have the oldest going on his third year of playing piano and starting next month taking Royal Conservatory Music lessons.
Next week he will be taking drama classes every Monday for 6 weeks with the Orangeville Theatre.
The youngest we have signed up for indoor soccer beginning in a month's time.
The big news is we bought this beautiful piano for $300 last night which will help the older one with the piano lessons. It is a restored 1904 Nordheimer Upright Piano with stool and light.
By the end of the year we will have saved up and bought a European style washer and dryer since our dryer is on the fritz. So in a year all new appliances in our house!
I had 35 days off in July and August altogether. My wife 30.
We are making some extra money taking care of another boy and at work the busy season hasn't started yet.
Oh yeah before the end of the year the wife and I will have finally used our 2 movie passes we got from my work last Christmas!

It doesn't get better than this right now. Waiting on tables can't be all bad.


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