Sunday, September 27, 2009

A Good Night By Anyone's Standards

Yesterday's post I mentioned that last night was going to be a good night and it certainly was as we reached our budget projection of 550 covers and I dare say with how busy the bar got late that we probably came close to 600.

For me I have to say that is was the best night of the month. There was an air of Christmas approaching with the hustle bustle going on in the kitchen and amongst the wait staff. Everybody in full tempo.

At the end of the night on $1052 net sales on 27 covers I walked out with $180 after tipping out $45. That was a total of $225 in tips so as you can see I fulfilled my duties as a waiter upon people last night. This morning though I feel a bit weary and am looking forward to finishing up tonight and having tomorrow off. Then it is another 5 in a row and off Sunday.

The money is good though.


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