Monday, July 20, 2009

A Unique Set-Up

One time I worked at this restaurant in England for a few days when I was with an agency and the tables in the dining room had nothing but the chairs , tablecloth , and salt and pepper on it.

Then when the people arrived and we took the order we put all the cutlery down they needed and got their drinks. That was it. When you think of it , although it looked kinda silly seeing a table empty without utensils , there was absolutely not one on the table afterwards that did not have a purpose.

Then when the meal was over the table was empty again and crumbed down to get ready for the dessert order and then we would repeat the same process.

Pretty cool even though it did slow down the service , then again no one was in a hurry to eat either.

What different table settings has anyone out there come across in their travels or jobs?


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