Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Tuesday Quiz Makes a Return

Not sure how long I will continue doing the quiz. We will see what kind of response I get from this one. Had a great vacation and I hope you are all enjoying your summer , wet or dry.

1. What is the wild mammal's name that resembles a deer and considered one of the finest venisons? It is hunted in the southern region of France in the mountainous region where it lives located in the southern Alps , and also the Pyrenees where it is called izard for wild goat.

2. A la printaniere when referring to vegetables usually means they are what and how are they usually prepared?

3. When you are getting some tobacco leaf on the nose what grape variety does this usually signify?

4. When you are getting some green bell pepper on the nose usually this will signify this particular grape variety?

5. Mount Gay rum comes from what island in the Caribean?

That is the return of the quiz. Is your brain fried already?

Instead of just posting the answers later I will post them tomorrow and answer your replies as well all at once later tonight.

Have a good day!


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