Monday, August 23, 2010

Nokia E73 Mode L.A. beach

Hallo how are u...?? Do you live in the LA area or do you happen to be passing through this weekend? If so, then make sure to sign up for and attend the Nokia E73 Beach Party put on by Nokia. I’ll be heading out camping here in Washington State with my family, but thinking about you all on the beach ;) Nokia puts on some good parties and there will be food and drinks provided, along with lots of fun. They will actually be loaning out E73 Mode evaluation units so if you are interested in checking one out make sure to swing on by.

Speaking of the Nokia E73 Mode, make sure to check out our Starter Guide that collates my posts on the device and links to the full review and my extensive keyboard shortcut post. As you know, the E73 Mode is my daily driver that should stay that way until the N8 appears.


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