Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Goals Are Set

I am really enjoying this summer so far. Been to Iceland for a couple of weeks and been to the beach a couple of times.

But what excites me is continuing to work as a waiter and the two other things I am doing. One is I am studying Icelandic. That will take a couple of years I figure. My in-laws would probably say finally after all these years! Secondly, I am starting to get involved with the cruise industry again.

Success in either one requires some will, determination and planning but you need some challenges in life I say. But if your heart is into it then the rest is easy.

Click on my other blog at the right of the page and have a look. If you like cruising sign up for the newsletter and the chance to win a free cruise. It doesn't matter where you live. If not that is fine too. I know waiters like to travel though. We go a lot from job to job. We are nomads. So vacation instead. Ha!

Have a wonderful day!


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