Sunday, July 4, 2010

Wayang Kulit Jawa in The Modern Era

Wayang Kulit Jawa is ancient artistry in Java which have there is since era Wali Songo. In the past, Puppets or Wayang Kulit Jawa is used as media missionize by all Wali. Wayang Kulit Jawa become popular in society with various story which full of humannity values. Many story in Wayang Kulit Art narrating about warrior which can improve nationalism.

In this time Story in Artistry of Wayang Kulit Jawa also often filled meagrely insinuation or criticize to power government. Usually the problem of which is lifted is about small people oppressed.

In The Theatre Of Art Wayang Kulit Jawa is usually accompanied with original music of Jawa that is Jawa gamelan. Music Gamelan Java with beautiful and typical rhythm always become complement in Artistry of Wayang Kulit so that if there is Wayang Kulit there and sure there is Gamelan.

I expect artistry of this Wayang Kulit Jawa can continue glorious in period to come and
becoming Indonesian Culture that confessed by world .

Made and written originally copyright by Ramadhani 4 July 2010
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