Saturday, July 3, 2010

WAYANG KULIT The Classic Art From JAWA

Every country have unique culture or artistry. In Indonesia especially in Java, there are a unique traditional artistry. the Tradition art is Wayang Kulit. Wayang Kulit is very popular and popular show art by various society in Java, and have got confession as cultural masterpiece of world ( Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity) ratified by UNESCO on 7 November 2003.

Wayang Kulit show one of the form culture of unique Traditional Java and full of life philosophy values signalizing courtesy, moderation, sincerity, warrior attitude and faithfulness and also the nature of kesatria. Beside that Wayang Kulit Play story also with advice advice developing someone person toward more positive and also develop value
assess nation moral.

The Philosophy life values usually in the form of Symbol, like in Wayang Kulit picture, Ianguage and or used story in the theatre of Wayang Kulit. Symbol in puppets that's which is used by a Dalang as study media from a generation to next generation.

As is big of lifted story in the theatre of Wayang Kulit stem from Ramayana epic and Mahabarata ( coming from Indian) which is then processed, to be renewed and adapted by tradition and way of cultural approach of Java.

Wayang Kulit very coherent in life of Java society, therefore Java society accustomed perform a Wayang Kulit to commemorate or celebrate affairs of great moment, the example: birth of child, and nuptials commemoration of death.

Wayang Kulit also have important role in religion ritual event of Java society. Most of all countryside in Central Java and East Java in one year once perform Wayang Kulit in honour of and pray their ancestors late.

Religion Ritual ceremony which use Wayang Kulit media also can be met in Ruwatan event. Ruwatan is a magical ceremony with aim to to throw away mischance and also vanish past sin.

According to history data, Wayang Kulit show. there have in Java since 11th century. In the begining, Wayang Kulit show. represent the part of religious ritual ceremony of Java society. But along era growth, shadow play performance. have turned into show art which beside as media education of moral also as entertainment amusement media.

In the theatre of Wayang Kulit, Appliance Music Gamelan also become music which is obliged to be played. Gamelan represent traditional castanets which become music master in Wayang Kulit. Incomplete if in the theatre of this no gamelan.

by ramadhani


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