Thursday, July 22, 2010

Masakan Padang The Traditional Cuisine Indonesia

Do you know Masakan Padang?

If you traveling to Indonesia and visit to Padang in West Sumatera, you will find many restaurant with name Masakan Padang.

Masakan Padang is the name of traditional cuisine from Minangkabau Padang, West Sumatera Indonesia. Masakan Padang is among the most popular food throughout the Malay archipelago. This Minangkabau cuisine also open Masakan Padang Restaurants, in all over big city in Indonesia. So that Masakan Padang become Famous successful traditional restaurant in Indonesia. This cuisine also well knowed by any name food like: Rendang, Sate Padang, Sambal Balado, Kalio, Palai, Dendeng.

If you planing to traveling in Indonesia dont missed this Masakan Padang. This cuisine are really delicious. Enjoy it.

By ramadhani


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