Friday, July 16, 2010

Back to Work Tonight

The biggest motivating factor for me going back to work tonight after having a great vacation is now thinking about next year's vacation. Yes I know there is a lot of room in between for other things to take place but this past two weeks has made me decide that everyone should take a couple of weeks at the very least.

Last night I started thinking about work and I thought about the last table I served before I went on vacation. It was 9:45 and a couple came in with a one year old and ordered an appetizer and a couple of steaks. An hour later after taking turns holding onto the child who was obviously overtired and whiny they asked for the bill. It came to a whopping (kidding) total of $75.32 and the guy says that is a day's wages. He leaves $6.

I hope that family sees better days because when he said that I felt bad for him. Nice enough family too. Seriously if people are going out to eat where I work and cannot afford it maybe I might just look around and find a place to work where people can afford it.

In a couple of weeks I am starting a new blog or at least by that time will let you know of it. Life is about to get a whole lot more exciting for us.


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