Thursday, February 25, 2010

You've Got Some Nerve!

So these two guys walk in and take their table of two.

They ask me for two big 9oz glasses of wine so I go get it. I come back with them and they say would it be possible to get a bottle. Well yes Mr. Arshole sure you can.

I get them a bottle. Then one of them orders a salad and the other a hot appetizer. That will be all for now they add.

Meanwhile they order a second bottle and finally finish their appetizers. Then the guy who orders a salad is having his friend speak for him. Do you have any vegetarian dishes? No Mr.Arshole we are a freakin's steakhouse I politely say.

His vegan friend orders a side and he orders a sirloin and shrimp. Meanwhile they order another bottle of wine. This is their third now. The same people who were just going to have a glass at the beginning.

Then while having them taste the third bottle they say , we should get free appetizers for this.

I don't say anything. What a nerve these people have! Why do you think you are entitled to free appetizers for drinking some wine you cheap F###***s. Then they kept ordering free bread.

Then I give them the bill and then his vegan friend says can we maybe get a glass only each of more wine? WTF! Then they want more bread but sorry the kitchen is closed and we are out.

Final bill $186 - Tip $10.00

Cheapskates! Go eat somewhere else next time!

Preferably where you came from.


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