Sunday, February 21, 2010

There Is A Vague Chance We'll Order Dessert

Those are the words one doesn't like to hear when it is their last table. The couple were sipping and I mean sipping on their last glass of wine and talking. Forty minutes ago I gave them dessert menus which they hadn't even looked at. The guy was a pompous arshole trying to be the ladies' man.

So when I went over there and asked them whether they were going to order dessert at all I get this response. I wasn't impressed as I was now cut and the closer still had a few tables which was giving him something to do.

But last week the role's were reversed and I was the closer and he had this table that was going to take forever. I took it over for him and last night he did the same for me.

I had to get up early this morning so I wasn't keen on staying till the lights came on for this couple. It was worth every penny lost in whatever tip they might have left so I could get home earlier.

Sticking around is a nuisance. It is the law of diminishing returns if people linger like that especially with that attitude. I was just glad I wasn't closing.


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