Thursday, February 18, 2010

I Lost It For A Moment Last Sunday

I had this table of two ( which makes sense cause it was Valentines anyway ) that comes in after waiting a bit at the bar. He comes to the table with a glass of wine.

Without ordering anything else to drink other than water they both order an entree. I think they had an appetizer at the bar while they were waiting. Anyway we exchange pleasantries and I take their order and punch it in.

It is served and I do the quality check. They are dressed up so to speak for the occasion. Actually give the impression of haughtiness if you know what I mean.

He finishes with just a few snap peas left on his plate and she has hardly touched hers at all. She says to me I want this , pointing to her leftovers , and his snap peas packed. I say sure I will bring out a take out container for you. She snips back showing her snobbishness telling me no I want you to pack it. She said it in a condescending manner which I found a bit offensive to my liking.

I said okay I will pack it and I took both plates back and dumped it all in the take out box all mixed up that you couldn't separate the mash potatoes , chicken or peas from one another.

Returning the take out with the bill I said politely and with a great big smile have a great evening and thank you for coming.

You know it was just her all dressed up fancy earring sort of attitude when she said no you do it that twisted me the wrong way.

Their 10% tip didn't help things out either. But I knew that was coming.

Pack it yourself next time and while you are at it pack yourself up and put a stamp on it!


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