Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why I Cannot Be a Dining Room Manager

An opening has just come up for a dining room manager just 8 minutes from our place. It has an extensive wine list , nice white tablecloths , people with some money eat there etc..

But I wouldn't even apply for it now whereas one time I might have. You see the hours I would work will double what I am working now. I would be away from seeing my kids , it would interfere with my wife's schedule and the family take home pay would actually drop.

All good reasons I remain a waiter. More time , more money , no headaches.

What other profession pays a person more to remain exactly where they are as a waiter in comparison to a move up to management where the pay should be better? At least where I come from.

Now here is a question. Would you , assuming you make decent money at what you do , consider moving up to a management position at this time if you were offered a position? Even if it meant a cut in pay at the beginning?


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