Monday, January 4, 2010

Be Honest - How Many Service Jobs Have You Had Up to Now?

My longest time I worked with a company was in the 90's when I did 5 contracts of 6 months each with Renaissance Cruises. The longest I have worked anywhere after that was about 2 1/2 years at a couple of places.

I have never been fired from any job and have gone back to work for a few. Not to toot my horn but I can only think of maybe 1 where I left on not such good terms.

Altogether I can probably name off the top of my head 36 jobs and then you can probably add on a few more that I cannot remember cause I walked in and worked and left the next day to another one. Now these are just hospitality jobs I am thinking of but not the 3 businesses I owned at different times nor the numerous sales jobs I have worked at as well.

Nowadays like moving I find it extremely difficult to change anything because I have it so good right now. I am settled but it took a while!

How many have you gone through? A lot in a short time or many in a long time? Or maybe you are on the first one....

Are you a job flipper which is hard to do nowadays or one who likes to stay in one spot?

C'mon tell us your story. Add them up.


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