Thursday, December 17, 2009

May I Suggest English as a Second Language

So I get this family of 4. It is kind of busy and I am waiting what seems like an eternity to listen to what they have to order.

They order for the kids , then the guy orders the feature with the sun-dried tomato cream sauce and then we come to her. Lady arshole!

She begins by pointing at the part of the menu that says how the steaks are cooked. So I say do you want a steak then? The guy says yeah she will have a sirloin. Fine I say how would you like it cooked and she looks over at her husband and he says well done like mine. Alright then a steak cooked well done. The husband agrees and the wife who I don't think has any idea what a steak is just grins.

The steaks come out and she calls me over and says where is my sauce? Okay I thought you just wanted the steak your husband said , not the feature. So I run back to the kitchen and order the sauce on the side. She gets it and then hardly touches it. I want to kick the guy in the head cause he ordered the meal for her without mentioning the feature.

Listen lady learn to order for yourself. Learn English! Be a pleasure to serve you even more if you could explain what it is you want. What is it with people who live here that it is so hard for them to learn some language skills. Can I suggest a Dale Carnegie course! Anything , just get out of your shell.

Tonight was a night of idiots. Another post on the way shortly.


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