Tuesday, December 8, 2009

If You Could Wait or Bartend Anywhere Where Would It Be?

My wife and I were talking today about things and we both agreed that if we could we would ply our trade somewhere like the Mediterranean. Probably from our travels on the cruise ship we noticed that the pace of life we would enjoy would be that of let's say Italy or Southern France. Warm weather , vineyards , casual laid back life , not worried about chasing the dollar like we get sometimes here.

Tips are not that important as you would get paid a decent salary. Maybe open up your own restaurant where friends would congregate and you would pull up a chair and chat with them a bit. You know what I mean. Or maybe working in the Southern Rhone Valley on a vineyard where the only thing you would think about is a glass of wine and meal afterwards.

That would be pretty cool. Not saying we are packing up and leaving. We are happy where we are but it would be neat to try out.

What about you? Would you want to try and do what you are doing now in a different location?


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