Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I Don't Want to Get Chummy With a Regular

If you sit in my section you will be treated like everyone else and I will only be as cordial as I have to be. Don't expect me to make idle chat past the customary 15-20 seconds because I have other guests to attend to and food to run or anything else that needs doing rather than I just stand here and listen to you.

You only interest me when I am at work enough so I can give you what you ordered and ensure your entire meal is as enjoyable as possible. Enjoy the person or people's company you brought with you. They are worth talking to and enjoying your experience with. Not me!

I am only here to facilitate your dining experience by being prompt , courteous , and efficient. That is after all what I should get tipped on and not whether I gave lousy service to the rest of my section because I spent time listening to you.

My goal and do not take offense friend but I want you to leave quickly after you have finished eating. I have side jobs I have to do. I don't want to be rude but when you are done don't stick around.

Besides I know of one thing, the friendlier I am with you the less you think you have to tip what I am due! That is why I am what I am. Never get too chummy with a guest. You will get screwed in the end.

Now here is my question to you. Do you have friendly regulars that come in and because they know you so well they don't feel as obligated to leave you as much as you would otherwise get from a total stranger?

The only way I can tolerate being a waiter after all this time is I don't want to know people I serve , I just want to serve them.


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