Thursday, November 26, 2009

Here is the Quiz

Last week I got a lot of interest in the espagnole sauce. This week I don't know what will happen but let's give it a whirl and test your knowledge again. I am going to stay clear of Larousse this week.

1. Omelet Rossini has what two ingredients mixed with the beaten eggs before the omelet is prepared? Also added is a small amount of Demi-glace poured over the bottom of the plate to complete the presentation.

2. A Mousseline sauce is a Hollandaise sauce to which what is added to it just before serving?

3. A Maltaise sauce is a Hollandaise sauce that has what added to it? It is a speciality for asparagus.

4. When you paner meat , fish , or potatoes , what are you doing? In other words what does the french word paner mean?

5. Okay for all you cooks and chefs out there here is a good one. At what temperature is most bacteria killed providing that the product has been held at this temperature for a sufficient length of time? Celsius or Farenheit is acceptable.

Okay these answers should be straightforward. Let's see how you do.


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