Monday, November 23, 2009

20 Years Ago Already

I was talking with a young busser last night and he overheard me talking with a new waiter about my travels. Then I began to realize that it was 20 years ago that I was finishing up my second contract in Switzerland. It was a great time there as I got the chance to see Switzerland and take some side trips to neighbouring countries like Austria , Germany , France , and Italy.

In Austria I did some whitewater rafting in Innsbruck and saw beautiful Salzburg where Mozart was born. Experienced the fast train called the TGV between Lausanne and Paris. Also the train between Brig in Switzerland and Dommodosola in Italy that takes place mostly in a tunnel through a mountain between the two stops. The Glacier Express between St Moritz and Brig as well which is an all day rail excursion with beautiful scenery along the way.

One of my favourite places to visit in Germany was Munich as well as the mountain resort of Garmisch-Partinkirchen where one of the first Winter Olympics were held. That goes for St.Moritz as well.

There is a lot more and as I was talking to this busser who couldn't be 20 years old yet he was mentioning he had a passion to see New Zealand. Now there is a place along with Australia I would love to go someday. Maybe when the kids are a bit older.

But I said to him that now is the time to find out how he can get there. Maybe he can get a temporary visa and work there. Go to the embassy and find out more information. Nowadays with the internet it is so much easier to find out how you can do things quicker. I added that now when you are young is the time , not later when you have other responsibilities going on.

I hope he acts on his dream instead of letting it slip away. I know I acted on nearly all of mine. I really can't ask for anything else. Time moves on irregardless of what decisions we make. Putting off things till another day is still a decision.

I remember this book I read when I was in sales and it had a motivational thought that said , whatever you want to do, "Do It Now."

In fact I think I was about 18 when I gave my Dad this saying for a present in the form of a desk accessory. It wasn't so much like he needed to hear that but rather my enthusiasm for what I just learned on how my life was going to be lived. That saying has always been stuck in my mind even up to now.

Now obviously I cannot be as impulsive as I used to be. I have other people to consider. But for those of us who are on the verge of making some life decisions , consider doing it now rather than later or at least setting a deadline for getting it done. Then once you have done it whether it turns out good or bad you can cross it off your list.

What things are on your list no matter how wild they are that you would like to do? Love to hear what your thoughts are.


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