Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Quiz This Week

Last night was another easy night. I was closing and I got a first round of 4 tables then after only had two more. The restaurant is dead after 8:30 these mid week evenings. Fortunately though I had a 9 top that left me a very nice $66 on a $434 bill and another table that left me $28 on a $155 tab. At night's end , starting at 6:30 and getting out after the table of two campers left at 10:30 I walked out with $108. Not bad for 6 tables. We will see how tonight goes.

Here is the quiz.

1. Vitis Vinifera is the grape species from which all wines of Europe are made such as Chardonnay , Merlot , Cabernet Sauvignon and others. In North America we have our own native grape varieties such as Concord , Vidal , Baco Noir to name a few. What is the North American species of grape varieties called?

2. What is the name of the insect that destroyed the European vineyards back in the 19th Century? For a bonus point what did the vitners do to correct the situation?

3. What is more sweet? Auslese , Spatlese , Kabinett , or Beerenauslese?

4. What course is served after the cheese in classical French cuisine?

5. The first Ritz Hotel was opened on June 15th 1898 in what city?

There you have it. Answers will be posted later in the evening.


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