Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Port Information for Livorno, Florence or Pisa, Italy

The port for both Florence and Pisa is about 90 minutes away in Livorno. Livorni, is a beautiful little town, but most people don't venture there since Florence and Pisa awaits. I would suggest taking a tour from the ship, to Florence, it's just easier than trying to do it on your own. At least you'll be in a safe, comfortable bus and the ship won't leave you if you get stuck in traffic. Florence is by far a better choice than Pisa. More to see and do. No offense to Pisa, but it's not the same experience. Florence, is easy to walk around in and just beautiful. It's safe and make sure you take your camera. I haven't written a blog post on Florence yet, but I will soon, with photos. I hope this helps for now.


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