Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Port Information for Komodo Island Indonesia

Komodo island is a tender port. You CAN NOT get off of the boat and on a tender if you do not have a tour. This is the law there. Komodo is a national park and not a recreation island. You have to have a tour scheduled with a ranger in order to go anywhere on the island. Otherwise, it wouldn't be safe. You would get eaten. 

You have an option of buying a private tour online before you leave on your trip to asia, but you have to have proof to show the ship. Otherwise, you have to buy an excursion from the ship. Komodo island is HOT. Your tours will be scheduled throughout the day, so you can't go onto the island until it's time for your tour. Take bottled water and realize that if you go later during the day, the tender ride will be hot also. Komodo is dry and not humid. When you walk through the woods to see the dragons (with your guide) you will sweat profusely. There is no breeze in the woods. That being said, it's worth it. Keep in mind that Komodo island is not cheap. If you want to eat or buy T-Shirts, you won't get those cheap Indonesia prices, and they may or may not bargain with you. They have a good thing going there.

It is certainly worth going to see the dragons, but just keep in mind the things that I mentioned. I haven't posted a blog post or photos yet, but I will soon. Check back in the "Choose A Location" drop down menu.


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