Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It is Thursday's Quiz

Another week has flown by and the only thing I can say about my night at work tonight is I didn't make much money but some older woman said I looked like Leonard Cohen. That was a first for me and my wife wholeheartedly disagrees with that. I wonder what Leonard looked like when he was 50?

Okay here is the quiz.

1. What is the strong aniseed -flavoured drink from the south of France that is similar to the famous Pernod in the north?

2. What is the french word for blackberry?

3. Now for meats such as a game it is best to hang it for a period to improve it's quality. What is the French word for this process. If hang is the word in English what is the word in French.

4. When we talk of climates with regards to wine there is big , small and smaller. Amongst the three what is the smallest? A mesoclimate , macroclimate , or a microclimate?

5. A piƩce is an oak barrel holding 228 litres. What traditional wine growing area of the world would you find this barrel?

Now this quiz is over for this week but I am sure some were easier than others. Good luck!


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