Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Quiz

It is Tuesday again and we are getting ready for the great quiz. I am at a company baseball tournament today but not playing but did offer my services for the home run derby. If it takes place while I am there during the afternoon I am going to bat. It has been a few years but I would like to belt one out of the park.

1. What are the two principal white wine grape varieties found in Bordeaux?

2. Noble rot is to France as Flétri is to what country?

3. When you see the word Fine to denote the quality of a brandy , does it mean it is a very good brandy or one of no great distinction?

4. When you see a dish on the menu with the word nori. What does it mean?

5. What is the purpose of a chinois in the kitchen?

A bit of variety in this one and it shouldn't be that difficult for most of you. Maybe number 2 is tricky but I had to throw that one in there for George.


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