Thursday, July 23, 2009

A Book

For some time now I have wanted to start a book about my adventures during 30 years since I took the bartending course back in 1979. But with such a busy household I never really get started.

But alas , I have found a way in which I think it will work. You see when I was studying for my Sommelier exams I used a tape player to record my notes on so I could play them back while I was driving to work in the car. This way I could listen when it was quiet and focus on what I needed to learn.

So the other day I bought a new audio tape recorder to do the same thing. This way while I am driving to work , which takes about 35 minutes , I will talk about what I am going to write about. That evening or following morning , I will spend time in front of the computer rather than just stare at it and write down what I was talking about the night before.

Honestly I don't have any idea how else I will accomplish such a daunting task. So beginning when I drive to work tomorrow night it will be with the expressed purpose of writing a book.

I will see how it goes and keep you posted one month from tomorrow which will be August 24th.


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