Friday, June 12, 2009

It is Official - Business is Down

The last few weeks have seen a significant decline on what people are leaving for a tip and also what they are consuming. There are I think 3 reasons for it.

One is it is starting to get warm out so people are lighting up their BBQs which they have been waiting to do for a long time so less people are coming to the restaurant. This reason is pretty normal.

The second reason is with money being tight nowadays no one is spending much money when they go out now. Less average guest check means less tip as well.

The third reason is just recently the government here has reduced the blood alcohol content to .5 from .8 so they can at .5 suspend your license for 72 hours. Lately I have had tables stop drinking altogether just after one drink because of this new law lowering the BAC to .5.

So servers are getting slammed all around these days by every direction.


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