Sunday, June 28, 2009

Do You Prefer To Open or Close?

Most of the time I am the pre-closer or closer where I work and a lot of the time other waiters ask me whether I ask to be this. Everyday they see me doing the closing.

Well first of all I do not ask to be a closer unless it is a Tuesday when that afternoon my son has piano lessons that finish at 5PM. Then I start at 6:15 or 6:30. This allows me to come home and grab a quick bite and change then head off to work.

But lately I have noticed that the most money to be made comes after the first cuts have occurred sending the early starters home for the night. The last few nights especially I have had some really late decent tables.

I have opened as well and although it is nice to be home by 9 in the evening the income in most cases has been a trade-off.

So actually what I am getting at is I prefer being the closer or near the bottom of the list nearly all the time.

What about you? Is your place where you work have a strong opening where you make most of your money or does it build up so that at the end is when you make the most?


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