Saturday, January 24, 2009

I Cannot Complain

It is now 1:12 AM and am here in front of the computer just home with a beer after closing another Saturday night where I work. It is a normal thing that I close on Saturdays. It has been since I think the end of November that I have closed every Saturday night. I am kinda getting sick of it.

But tonight in the cold month of January on the evening of the 24th I served 49 people with net sales of $1739 , a paltry average person cheque of $35 and change , and after tipping out $66 to the house walked out with $300!

Now that is Canadian $$$ but whatever currency that is that is not bad for what is supposed to be one of the slowest months of the year in a down economy on a night where the temperature is -18 Degrees C or 10F.

Even during Christmas I never made that much. So with my paltry hourly wage I cleared tonight about $350 for 7 hours work.

So for all the complaining I do which I try to keep in check what more can you want in January or anytime.



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