Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Bunaken National Park

Mangrove plant species in the Bunaken National Park is Rhizophora sp., Sonneratia sp., Lumnitzera sp., And Bruguiera sp. This forest is rich with various kinds of crab, shrimp, mollusks and various types of sea birds such as seagulls, storks, sea virgin, and Heron sea.

Type of algae found in this national park covers types of Caulerpa sp., Halimeda sp., And Padina sp. Seagrass beds are dominated mainly on the island Montehage, and islands such as Thalassia hemprichii Nain, Enhallus acoroides, and Thalassodendron ciliatum.

Recorded 13 generations living coral in the waters of Bunaken National Park, dominated by species of coral reefs and coral reef barrier edge. The most interesting is the vertical cliffs as far as 25-50 meters.

Approximately 91 species of fish found in the waters of Bunaken National Park, including fish gusumi horse (Hippocampus horse), white oci (Seriola rivoliana), yellow tail lolosi (Lutjanus kasmira), goropa (Ephinephelus spilotoceps and Pseudanthias hypselosoma), ila trunk (Scolopsis bilineatus) , and others.

Types of mollusks such as giant clams (Tridacna gigas), the head of the goat (Cassis cornuta), hollow nautilus (Nautilus pompillius), and tunikates / ascidians.

The best visiting season: months of May to August each year.

How to achieve location: Bunaken National Park can be reached through the port of Manado, Marina Nusantara Diving Centre (NDC) in the District of Molas and Marina Blue loud. From the Port of Galway using a motorboat to the island can be reached Siladen 20 minutes, 30 minutes Bunaken Island, the island Montehage 50 minutes and 60 minutes Nain island. Blue Banter Marina with a yacht that is available to the tourist area on the island of Bunaken be taken within 10-15 minutes, while the NDC to the port on the island of Bunaken dive sites by using speed boat taken within 20 minutes.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

komodo island

Only in IKomodo Island is located at the westernmost tip of East Nusa Tenggara Province, which borders with the West Nusa Tenggara Province. Exactly at Komodo district, West Manggarai regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. Since 1980, the area was used as an area of 1817 km2 National Park by the Indonesian Government, which was then recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986. Together with two other large islands, namely Pulau Rinca and Padar, Komodo island and several small islands in the surrounding areas continue to be maintained as habitat for native reptile, dubbed the "Komodo Dragon" it.
Varanus komodoensis bears the Latin name and local name "Ora", this giant lizard, according to a story first published in 1912 in a national daily the Dutch East Indies. Peter A. Ouwens, director of the Zoological Museum in Bogor is one who has been introduced to the world of dragons through the papers. Since then, expeditions and research into this rare species continue to be done, even reportedly inspired the film had KingKong in 1933. Recognizing the need for protection of the dragons in the center of human activity in their natural habitat, in the year 1915 the Dutch government issued a ban on hunting and killing dragons.
komodo1 Thanks to efforts of government and local communities in preserving the National Park, tourists can now visit and came close look at the lives of these ancient reptiles. With a body length of 2-3 meters, Komodo dragons can weigh up to 70-100 pounds. Animals that enjoy this hot and dry places to live in the savanna or tropical forest habitat in lower elevations. When night falls, dragons nest in the holes with in 1-3 feet while keeping their body heat at night. As a carnivore at the top of the food chain, among other prey Komodo goats, deer, wild boar, and birds. In certain circumstances, can behave cannibals with Komodo dragons prey on another. With the sense of smell relies on the tongue, the Komodo dragon can smell carrion prey as far as nine miles. And its bite could contain the deadly bacteria, plus a sharp front claws are natural weapons. In addition, the Komodo dragon was able to run 20 kilometers per hour in short distances, climbing trees, swimming and even diving.
Like other reptiles, the Komodo dragon reproduce by laying eggs. However, research has shown there are other ways to regenerate dragons, namely by way of parthenogenesis. This allows the female dragons to produce fertilized eggs without the male. Parthenogenesis is alleged to have saved dragons from extinction since thousands of years ago. However, destruction of habitat, volcanic activity, earthquakes, fires, until the indicated poaching has resulted in population decline dragons extent vulnerable to extinction. An estimated 4-5 thousand dragons tail in the presence of productive females only number in the hundreds. Such conditions is a challenge for conservation efforts Komodo Island National Park.
Enjoy a tour of Komodo Island National Park with the dragons of observing life near impossible not enough for you. For those of you who like the water sports, you can try to dive in the waters north and south islands. Warm waters of northern waters is the result of the current meeting of the Banda Sea and Flores. Conversely, the cold waters south of the current offers Ocean waters of Indonesia. The second combination of these different characters waters produce a rich marine ecosystems. Various types of coral reefs and a place to live fruitful lives many fish species as well as provider of marine aquatic life support systems. Many divers have witnessed life under the sea waters of the charming island of Komodo, which stores millions of potential biodiversity.
As one of the leading tourist attraction Indonesia, Komodo Island hostels provide accommodation ranging from established local community to international standard resorts. For domestic tourists, your entrance fee of Rp. 75 000, while foreign tourists amounted to U.S. $ 15. To reach the island of Komodo, you can route a plane from Kupang (capital of East Nusa Tenggara, East Nusa Tenggara) to the town of Ende on Flores Island. Next trip followed by a minibus to Labuhanbajo which takes 10 hours. From Labuhanbajo, speedboat will take you to the Komodo Island after a ferry for two hours. Several other routes you can travel with a flight from Bali, according to the airline that serves the purpose to NTT. Various tour packages offered by tour agents seemed interesting enough to be tried for the first time you visit this island of Komodo.
Eco-tourism, announced the government on the island of Komodo National Park is expected to bring more domestic tourists / foreign countries. Not only parents, even though children should not be afraid to come and visit there. With safety regulations and tour the awake, humans and dragons co-exist in peace. And like the children, their love of dragons is the seeds that can grow their love of the wealth of the country and its history. It seems that this is the first message in the 90s never sung beautifully by Kak Seto Si KOMO through her dolls. Through the character of Si KOMO, Kak Seto dragons bring conservation messages to the hearts and minds of Indonesian children, so they are proud of the wealth of his country.
Komodo_7WondersJika Therefore, it is worthy of Komodo Island National Park would be appointed to be one of the seven Natural Wonders (7 Wonders Of Nature), side by side with a variety of other amazing wonders of the world. Traces the life of the ancient world have presented themselves to mankind today to look in the mirror to see the past history of the world. Life that has passed hundreds, even thousands of years. Through this Komodo Island National Park, the world today has a priceless heritage to be preserved. Let's support of Komodo Island National Park into one of the 7 Wonders of Nature. Thus, you have participated in an effort to introduce the Komodo National Park to the world, so that conservation is not just a concern of Indonesia, but the entire world community. Komodo Island National Park Vote for 7 Wonders of Nature.

So, have you decided on a family vacation destination this time? Of course, the answer Komodo Island National Park. Only the one in the world.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat

Sebenarnya Cara Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat itu sangat mudah.. mau tau caranya...??? ikuti langkah-langkah berikut :

1. Ubi Kayu
Ambil sepotong ubi kayu. Kupas kulitnya. Buang kulitnya. Bersihkan. Parutkan. Perah untuk dapatkan airnya. Sapukan air perahan pada muka anda yang ada bekas jerawat. Lakukan setiap hari selama seminggu. Insya-Allah, kesannya memuaskan.

2. Batang kulit kayu manis
Tumbuk beberapa batang kulit kayu manis dan jadikan serbuk. Campurkan dengan sedikit air. Sapukan pada bekas jerawat. Amalkan selama seminggu.

3. Daun sireh muda
Ambil 10 helai daun sireh muda, Bersihkan dan tumbuk lumat. Muka hendaklah dibersihkan dengan air suam dan sapukan sireh pada muka terutama di bahagian bekas jerawat. Biarkan kira-kira setengah jam atau hingga kering. Cuci muka bersih-bersih dan lap kering. Amalkan 3 kali seminggu.

4. Daun pegaga dengan Bedak sejuk
Selain daripada ulam yang enak dan berkhasiat, pegaga juga boleh digunakan untuk menghilangkan tanda hitam parut jerawat di muka. Caranya ialah dengan mengisar daun pegaga dengan bedak sejuk dan air secukupnya. Pupukkan adunan tersebut di tempat tanda hitam parut jerawat di muka anda setiap hari atau setiap malam sebelum tidur. Campuran kisaran pegaga dan bedak sejuk tersebut boleh disimpan di dalam peti sejuk dengan memasukkannya ke dalam botol yang kering.

5. Kulit kayu manis dengan Madu lebah
Asah kulit kayu manis dan campurkan dengan madu lebah. Tempelkan pada muka yang berparut setiap malam. Esoknya, cucilah dengan air suam.

6. Ketimun
Kisar timun dan tapis airnya. Tampalkan hampas timun pada wajah yang berparut. Biarkan setengah jam. Kemudian cuci dengan air suam.

7. Kulit pisang klutuk
Sebelum mandi, usapkanlah kulit pisang klutuk (batu) yang sudah matang pada kulit wajah. lalu biarkan sekitar 10 menit, setelah itu bilas dengan air teh basi, dan baru mandi.

8. Biji pinang tua dengan air mawar
adalah dengan menghaluskan biji pinang tua, campur dengan air mawar. gunakan sebagai bedak setiap hari.hindari makan makanan yang pedas dan berlemak. sering memakan tape ketan dan tape singkong adalah baik untuk kulit anda. usahakan buang air rutin setiap hari.

9. Asam jawa dan Kunyit
Ambil sedikit asam jawa + beberapa cm kunyit. Kunyit di tumbuk, campurkan dengan asam jawa dan sedikit air. Setelah rata, oleskan sebagai masker ke muka. Biarkan selama 20 menit. setelah itu cuci bersih.

10. Air jeruk nipis
Campurkan air jeruk nipis (lebih bagus yang lokal) dengan 1 sendok minyak masak. Oleskan ke seluruh muka sebelum tidur. Paginya, ambil asam gelugur (asam jawa juga boleh) dan rendam dalam air panas. Setelah air menjadi hangat (suam2 kuku). Basuhlah air tersebut ke muka kita, asamnya di gosok-gosokkan ke tempat2 yang berjerawat or yang berparut. Beberapa menit kemudian, basuh dengan air biasa.

11. Air asam jawa dan Air kelapa tua
Campur bedak dingin dengan garam dan air asam jawa. Sapukan ke muka dan di tempat berjerawat. Atau bisa juga bersihkan muka, cuci dengan air kelapa tua. Setelah kering sendiri, bilas dengan air bersih.

12. Kanji nasi
Ambil sedikit kanji nasi. Sapukan ke jerawat, dan biarkan kering di muka. Cuci dengan air hangat. Atau bisa juga basuh muka dengan air basuhan beras. Setelah kering, cuci dengan air bersih.

13. Putih telur, Tepung jagung dan Minyak zaitun
Putih telur + 1 sedok tepung jagung + minyak zaitun. Ketiganya, aduk secara rata. Gunakan sebagai masker.

14. Tepung kanji
Larutkan tepung kanji dengan air. Oleskan di sekitar tempat yang berjerawat.

Nah cara-cara tersebut merupakan cara alami lho.... semoga membantu anda dalam Menghilangkan Bekas Jerawat anda .

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here Are Some Answers To Questions a First Time Cruiser May Have

Cruiseship Terminal, Miami 1994

First Time Cruisers
As a first-time cruiser, you probably have a lot of questions about purchasing your ticket, tipping policies, travel documentation, and dress codes. The facts below should help make your cruise experience smooth sailing.


Cruise Ticket Pricing
Included in the Price: Cruise pricing includes your accommodation, dining on board, entertainment, and activities.

Additional Charges: You are responsible for looking after your transfers between the pier and airport, and your onboard purchases of a personal nature (i.e. casino bets, gift shop purchases, spa and boutiques, dry-cleaning, laundry, etc). Shore excursions, beverages, and gratuities are also additional unless otherwise noted.

Gratuities per Guest, per Day (U.S. dollars)

Carnival Cruise Line: Dining room service $5.50 , Alternative dining service $0.75, Housekeeping staff $3.50. In addition, a 15% gratuity is automatically added to your bar bill. Tipping your maitre d' and headwaiter is at your discretion.

Holland America Line: A Service Charge of $10 per passenger is automatically added to each guest's shipboard account on a daily basis. If their service exceeds or fails to meet your expectations, you are free to adjust this amount at the end of the cruise.

Norwegian Cruise Line: Norwegian automatically applies a $12 gratuity to your shipboard account or $5 for children aged 3 to 12. You are welcome to adjust the dollar value up or down as you see fit. A 15% service charge is added directly to bar bills.

Princess Cruises: Princess automatically applies a $10.50 gratuity to your shipboard account. You are welcome to adjust the dollar value up or down at your discretion. A 15% service charge is added directly to bar bills.

Royal Caribbean International/ Celebrity Cruises: Dining room service $5.50, Housekeeping staff $3.50, and Headwaiters and other service personnel at your discretion.

Purchasing Your Ticket
When you purchase your cruise ticket, you are actually purchasing your cabin on the ship. Your food, entertainment, transportation, port charges, and other activities are all included in the cost of that stateroom. The per person price is calculated based on the assumption that two people will be traveling in that stateroom. Therefore, if you chose to travel solo, you can end up paying 200% of the per person cruise fare. See Singles Cruising to find alternatives to paying a higher cruise fare.

Purchasing that cabin isn't as straightforward as it may sound. This is because cruise lines divide their ships into categories or classes of cabins that don't always relate to the size of the room. The higher the cabin category, the higher the cost of the room. Some factors that affect the cost of your room are the placement on the ship (i.e. aft, bow), inside/oceanview/balcony/suite, porthole or window or balcony, size of room, deck number, number of passengers in the room, etc.

There are other alternatives to purchasing a specific stateroom. You can purchase a "category guarantee" or a "run of ship" ticket. These terms are explained below:

Category Guarantee:
When you purchase a "category guarantee" you are not purchasing an exact stateroom. You are, rather, guaranteeing a cabin in a certain category. The cruise line will place you in that cabin category or higher depending on availability. If you chose this option, you will not receive an exact stateroom number at the time of booking. Your assignment is made either a couple of weeks prior to sailing or at the pier.

Run of Ship:
When purchasing a "run of ship" ticket, you are buying yourself on to the ship without a pre-arranged cabin or category. You will not receive your stateroom number until you arrive at the pier. Your cabin may be anywhere on the ship, from the lowest deck to the highest, or may be an inside or an outside stateroom.

Citizens of the U.S.A. or Canada need proof of citizenship (passport or birth certificate with photo ID). All non-U.S. passengers require a valid passport and an unexpired U.S. Multiple Re-Entry visa. Passengers who can apply for admission under the Visa Waiver pilot program are required to carry a valid, unexpired passport.

Passengers are required to carry their proper travel documentation before, during, and immediately following the cruise. You will not be allowed to board the vessel without proper identification. All non-U.S. guests will be asked to surrender their passports and/or resident alien cards at embarkation. These documents will be returned the morning of arrival back in the U.S.


Onboard Currency/Credit Cards
Onboard pricing is in U.S. dollars when sailing on Carnival, Holland America, Norwegian, Princess, and Royal Caribbean. On all of these ships, passengers make purchases on board with a "cruise card" that is issued to passengers at embarkation. This card is both identification and a credit card.

Many lines suggest the use of U.S. travelers' cheques when paying your shipboard account. Only cash is accepted in casinos and for medical charges. Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are accepted by all cruise lines. Royal Caribbean International also accepts Diners, Carte Blanche and Discover cards. Discover is also accepted by Holland America and Norwegian Cruise Lines. Celebrity Cruises has ATMs aboard all of their ships.

Cruise passengers attire is casual during the day. In the evening, Carnival, Holland America, Princess, and Royal Caribbean have three types of dress code: elegant casual (comfortable, relaxed clothing), informal (dresses/dress suits for women, jackets for men) and formal (evening gowns and suits/tuxedos). This attire varies by the night. Norwegian Cruise Lines' ships always have a resort casual attire for dinner with some optional formal nights offered.

Smoking Policies
Smoking policies vary by cruise line in terms of designated smoking areas. In all cases, smoking is, however, not permitted in food services areas, restaurants, or show lounges. Carnival Cruise Lines' Paradise is the first ever totally smoke-free ship.

Liquor Policy
Passengers are not allowed to bring alcoholic beverages on to their ship. Alcoholic beverages can be purchased in the ship's gift shops or in foreign ports, but may be retained by the cruise line until the end of the voyage. If you are celebrating a special occasion, fine wines and champagne can be brought on board during embarkation only. If you choose to consume the wine in the dining room, a $10 per bottle corkage fee is charged.

Wine, beer, champagne, and mixed drinks are available during the cruise except when U.S. Immigration personnel are inspecting the vessel.

All cruise lines follow U.S. regulations in regards to drinking. That means that no one under the age of 21 years is permitted to buy or consume alcohol while on the ship.

Ships nowadays are so big and well-stabilized that passengers can barely tell that they are moving. Caribbean cruises and Alaska's Inside Passage cruise are known for extremely calm waters. It is unlikely that you will feel sick during your cruise to these locations.

If you run into rough waters and begin to feel queasy, your symptoms can be relieved by an over-the-counter medication like Dramamine. If you are very prone to seasickness, ask your doctor, prior to sailing, for the Transderm patch (available by prescription). Or buy some ginger capsules and acupressure wristbands at a pharmacy before boarding the ship.

Staying In Touch
All of today's cruise ships have TVs in every stateroom, many with CNN. A daily newssheet with stories from the major newspapers is available for passengers. Norwegian Cruise Lines has major newspapers available for sale aboard many of its newer vessels. In addition, you can make phone calls and send emails both at sea and in port.

There are many rules and regulations adhered to by cruise ships so that passengers and crew members are kept safe from harm. In addition, the Coast Guard conducts rigorous quarterly inspections of all ships operating from U.S. ports to make sure that the ships comply with its emergency-response requirements. Ships also operate under international rules known as Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) to protect against fire. The rules require ships to have smoke detectors, sprinklers, and low-level emergency lighting for escape routes. To ensure that passengers know how to evacuate in the event of a real emergency, drills are held for passengers and crew at the beginning of every cruise to simulate an evacuation.

International rules have recently been established requiring all ships and ports to have security officers and security plans. Cruise lines are required to report the names of passengers on each sailing to the Coast Guard and identification policies are very tight.

Verbal Etiquette

Always refer to your vessel as a ship not a boat.

The ship is always referred to as a female.

"Port" refers to the left side of the ship.

"Starboard" refers to the right side of the ship.

"Aft" refers to the rear or back of the ship.

"Bow" refers to the front of the ship.

A ship has decks not floors.

A ship has staterooms not rooms.

"Tender" is the vessel that you take to and from the shore when the ship is at anchor in a port.

The "bridge" is the place where the Captain and his crew steer the ship.

The "brig" is the ship's jail.

It is a "Purser's Desk" not an Information Desk or a Front Desk.


Past Passenger Programs
Many cruise lines enroll all past passengers into a program that is designed to keep you informed about upcoming offers and provide you with special amenities and pricing for your next cruise.

Carnival Cruises: Carnival's past passengers receive a free, two-year subscription to "Carnival Currents" (the line's onboard magazine). This magazine contains discounts for future cruises.

Celebrity Cruises: "Captain's Club" is Celebrity's program. Members are offered discounts or cabin upgrades on futures cruises. They also receive club baggage tags, pins, videos of the ships and destinations, advance notice of offers, and an invite to a private cocktail party on their next cruise.

Holland America Line: Holland America's past passengers are enrolled in the "Mariner Club" to receive discounts and upgrade offers five times a year. They also receive baggage tags, separate check-in, medallions, and an invite to a captain-hosted cocktail party on their next cruise.

Norwegian Cruise Line: "Latitudes" is Norwegian's past passengers' club. It provides fast check-in, a captain's reception, bridge and galley tours, special cruises, and additional onboard credits. Members also receive a newsletter and discounts on selected cruises.

Princess Cruises: Offers a club called "Captain's Circle." Members are invited to a captain-hosted cocktail party on their next cruise and are welcome to participate in a club photo contest with prizes. Recognition pins are presented with amazing gifts (i.e. Tiffany Crystal) to those who travel frequently. All members are put on a list to receive a special Princess newsletter.

Royal Caribbean International: Royal Caribbean's past passengers join "The Crown and Anchor Society." This club has three levels of membership based on the number of cruises taken. Members receive a quarterly magazine with special offers. Couples can enter members-only sweepstakes and participate in shore-side events.

Hope this has been of some help. If you have more questions head to the web site by clicking on the title.

Photo of the Miami Cruiseship terminal showing the contrast of a weary traveler and an alert one taken by Ian Hughes who has other photos on Flickr.

P.S. There is only a few more days remaining to enter in the win a free cruise contest so if you haven't already you should.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Samsung Champ Harga Samsung Camp C3300 K

Samsung Camp C3300

Info Harga Baru Samsung Camp C3300 : Belum Tersedia
Info Harga Bekas / Second Samsung Camp C3300 : -

Fitur /  Specs / Spesifikasi Samsung Camp C3300 Review  yang Tersedia :
Ponsel Samsung Champ baru ini memiliki layar resistive touchscreen 2.4 inch (QVGA) yang menggunakan TouchWiz Lite sebagai antarmukanya yang mampu menampilkan layar home dengan widget dalam grid 3×3.

Nah bagusnya dengan teknologi TouchWiz ini maka Samsung C3300K ini juga terintegrasi dengan social network, serta Samsung Apps dan bisa menjalankan aplikasi java juga.
Konektivitas yang didukung Samsung Champ adalah quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE, Bluetooth 2.1 dan USB. Kamera Samsung Champ ini masih beresolusi 1.3 MP dan videonya QCIF pada 15 fps.
Batere samsung Champ ini menggunakan 1000mAh, cukup untuk 666 jam standby dan 12 jam talk time. Tak ketinggalan, ada juga slot microSD card sampai 8GB dan jack earphone 3.5 mm.

Rencananya produk Samsung Champ terbaru ini akan dipasarkan bulan Juni. Warna yang ada adalah deep black, espresso brown, sweet pink atau chic white color. Harga Samsung Champ ini belum diketahui tapi ada kemungkinan lebih murah dari Samsung Corby neh.

Harga Samsung HP Champ C3300 Baru : Belum Tersedia
Harga Samsung HP Champ C3300 Bekas / Second : -

The Biggest Volcano Eruption Sinabung

Sinabung in Karo District, North Sumatra, erupted again on 3 September 2010. The eruption was the strongest since the mountain was first erupted on Last August 29 2010.

Sinabung issued eruption of black smoke is thick. Rumbling sound and vibration sounds and feels to a radius 8 kilometer.The bursts of ash reached an altitude 3000 meters, is greater than that previously only 2000 meters.

The eruption that emits thick smoke, could lead to a new lava dome at the top of the mountain. Formation of a new lava dome in the center of the crater now usually called as the 'dome cover', it is hoped will end the eruption. This phenomenon is common in volcanoes in Indonesia.

Still on this situation, that does not mean the area on foot Sinabung is secure. The area remains with status 'alert', pending waiting the conclusion of the last observation team vulkanolog Indonesia.
by ramadhani

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wayang Purwa the legendary Puppet from Java

Wayang Kulit Purwa is the most popular Wayang Show in Jawa until recently. Wayang Kulit Purwa take the story from the Mahabharata and the Ramayana story. Figure Puppet Wayang that puppeteer played by a sheet made from buffalo leather (or beef) which puppet figures are carved according to the form and then disungging with colorful metaphor that reflects the character of the people.

Wayang Kulit Purwa Puppet show accompanied by a set of gamelan while female singers who sing gending-gending (original music from Jawa Indonesia), called the singer or waranggana or sinden.

Wayang Kulit Purwa show is usually done at night, accompanied by the typical Javanese gamelan music. When she saw the puppet show I can feel the atmosphere of the cultural aristocracy of Java with high artistic value. The language used in the puppet show is a traditional Javanese language.
by ramadhani

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